Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 12, 2008

Today's Special: A Cuppa Joe, With a Squeeze of Lime

If you are into in-person, hands-on learning there are a coupla great new options on the radar. Hit the jump for details on new offerings from Joe McNally and Bert Stephani.

McNally has just announced that he has revived the Dobbs Ferry workshops. If you are anywhere in the northeastern US, you'll want to take a look at the new one-day programs that Joe is now doing direct -- i.e., not as part of a third-party organization.

The classes are very small (just Joe and a dozen mouth breathers) and he has set it up as an intense, one-day program which includes a light (heh) breakfast and lunch. They run from 9:15 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., or until your head explodes, whichever comes first.

More info here.

Something Juicy from Bert, Too

You EU-types will want to take note of Bert Stephani's new gig, "Squeeze the Lime," in which he and partner-in-crime Pieter Van Impe will be doing lighting seminars of several different lengths and formats.

They have uploaded their first "Squeeze the Lime" video, embedded below. It could be a tad NSFW-ish in your typical US cubicle hell. But it'll play just fine in European offices, where you'll probably want to call your boss and coworkers over to watch along with you.

More info here.

:: Other posts/videos from Bert ::

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