Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 8, 2008

Speedlinks, Super-Size Edition

I let the speedlinks bucket fill up a little too long since last time. But the result is that we have a whole weekend's worth of good ones, after the jump.

Hope you enjoy them, and have a fun weekend.

Speedlinks, August 8, 2008

• Peter Yang (See also: On Assignment: Peter Yang Shoots Admiral William Fallon) has posted photos from his recent cowboy shoot for Texas Monthly. Dude can light. Several of the photos went straight to my "Inspiration" folder on the iPhone. He has posted the photos on his website. Earlier, he gave a ballsy interview about the story to Rob Haggart, at APE.

• The Flash Centre (UK-based lighting stores) has lit up a YouTube channel, where they have been uploading lots of lighting tutorials. Older stuff, and specific gear related, but worth watching if you are considering buying Elinchrom gear.

• Scott Kelby has checked in with a coupla cool gear finds lately: The Kwik Stand and a nifty li'l lighting case.

• Do you shoot with a TTL-off-camera cord? Andrew shows you how to "light from the right" with this left-handed camera grip.

• Traveling to a large, internet-blocking country to cover the Olympics? On Sports Shooter, USA Today's Bert Hanashiro shows what how he whittled down his gear bag to -- and how he packed it.

• Speaking of the Olympics, Hot Shot Shooter and Apple Stud Vincent Laforet has started blogging, and it is already a go-to site for good info. (And see what he is bringing to Beijing, here.)

• David Bergman, whom I met at Shoot! The Day in NYC, spends his time either working for SI or shooting rock stars. Not bad work if you can get it. He is starting to include some lighting how-to info on his blog, including a link to his field test article on the RadioPoppers.

Saving the best for last:

• I first saw Scott Strazzante's "Common Ground" project while serving as a judge in this year's Southern Short Course in Charlotte, where we judged it Best in Show. Now Brian and the other folks at MediaStorm have morphed it into a fantastic multimedia presentation.

Highly recommended.

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