Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 8, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Speedlinks

Summer is almost over, but not before one more round of white-belted speedlinks. The latest batch, inside:

• Vivitar, the maker of the (once) ultra-dependable 285HV flash, has been sold from one conglomerate to another conglomerate. We'll have to see if that helps the manufacturing quality, hurts it, or if they kill the 285 altogether.

• Robert Benson (who you may remember from his SPOY win and this awesome repeating flash volleyball shot is now blogging. Some very good commercial shooter -related stuff so far.

• Rachel, over at S!TB, riffs on Monte Isom's amazing shoot for Adidas. Most important tip: How to get a field full of Chinese talent to smile... (Thanks, Nathanael)

• WIRED shows you how to get wired: Charlie Sorrel's newb SB-24 tutorial.

• From left field, but worth the OT trip: Richard Hernandez, from Multimedia Shooter, on how to mount your 35mm lenses on you camcorder.

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