Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 10, 2009

Kevin Winzeler BTS vids: Big Lights, Small Lights

Got intro'd to Park City, Utah photographer Kevin Winzeler by a mutual friend last week and got a look at a couple of behind-the-scenes videos from his site.

Nothing heavy today, no tutorial stuff. (Hey, it is Monday.) Just good block-and-tackle examples of what every commercial shooter should be doing as standard marketing in 2009. (And, of course, a little lighting pr0n for us.)

The first one, above, is big-lights shoot of several MLS players in Salt Lake City. You have to pause the vid periodically to get an extended look at the results. But this high-dish/rimlight wrap really combines well with a little sweat-in-a-bottle for epic athlete stuff.

Hit the jump for a small-flash video, links to Kevin and results of these shoots.

Speedlit Triathlete

In the second video, he works in close to a triathlete (in swim mode) with ziploc-baggied speedlights to up the drama from the hazy sunlit ambient.

Seriously, look at the difference between the ambient on the video and the final results.

Underexpose that ambient and it becomes dramatic. Your subject becomes a black hole, of course. But when you fix that with a pair of small flashes (plenty of power up close) it all comes together.

Here are links to the results, in Kevin's portfolio:

Soccer player

You can see more of Kevin's work via his website, and/or his blog.

(Thanks much for the videos, Kevin!)

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