[EDITOR'S NOTE: Okay, so maybe that's a stretch. This guy doesn't even use ring flash. But I had Headline Writer's Block and it was the only thing I could come up with. Best me in the comments.]
"I immediately knew I wanted to look into the dark barn and not work against the huge, open bay door. The light outside that door was, like, ƒ/32,000, and the light inside was a weak ƒ/1.4 at best.
I’m not gonna fight city hall here. Where I am looking is dark, but dark I can light.
Dark I can control. I like the dark. Yessss, my precious..."__________
Quoth Joe McNally, in a nice, long
OA-style piece in Digital Photo Pro. It is Nikon CLS-centric, but still worth a read to anyone interested in lighting in general.
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