Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 1, 2009

2008 Weblog Awards Finalists Announced

"We'd like to thank our parents, the Academy, the people who make black straws, Gary Fong and..."

Oh, wait. We've only been nominated for the 2008 Weblog Awards. We haven't actually won anything yet. We're just a finalist.

Hey, but being nominated is cool, too, right? Right? Hello?

Kidding aside, I am quite stoked to announce that that not only was Strobist nominated for Best Photo Blog (which is first time we have ever been nominated for anything) but the Strobist Flickr Group was nominated for Best Online Community. That's YOU.

This is hugemongous. I mean, you are sharing the dais with the likes of Android Community and the Michael Jackson Fan Forum. (If you are a a lighting photographer and a Jacko fan, it's decision time, bucko.)

In Best Photo Blog there are many strong finalists, including The Online Photographer and the always first rate Big Picture, which surfs the wires for great photos and gives them the play they deserve. (It is run by the picture desk at The Boston Globe.)

So put down that G-Phone, grab your white sequined voting glove and take a moment cast your ballot. You are allowed to vote once every 24 hours, too. Vote for Best Photo Blog here, and Best Online Community here.


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