Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 9, 2008

Dean Collins - Live at Brooks Institute

Without a doubt, my biggest influence when I was first learning how to light was Dean Collins. He passed away suddenly at far too young an age, but we are very fortunate in that much of his material was preserved on video.

Cruising through YouTube the other day, I found a 6-minute excerpt from and old VHS tape of one of his presentations at Brooks. A similar Brooks presentation has since been released on DVD, the sales of which benefit Collins' family.

He was a wonderful educator. If this is your first taste of his techniques, you are in for a treat.

Video and links, after the jump.

This clip is from an older VHS version of Live at Brooks Institute of Photography, one of two Dean Collins DVD courses still in print. (From the comments, this clip is not from the talk used to make the LaBI DVD, but the content is very similar.)

Most of Collins' library of material is from the 80's, so you have to translate the film ideas to digital. (Not to mention the hairstyles and wide-collared shirts.) But his concepts and techniques are timeless.

I highly recommend his Best of Dean Collins on Lighting (full review) as well as his Live at Brooks Institute of Photography.

Got a few more mins? There is clip from the LaBI DVD at the Software Cinema site.

Related Posts:

:: Full Review: Best of Dean Collins on Lighting ::
:: Channel Your Historical Mentors ::
:: Where to Rent LiBI Online ::

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